Page 1: Introduction

This survey is available in the following languages and formats: 


English Easy Read

[Please contact Prof Angharad Beckett ( or Dr Miro Griffiths ( if you want to access the English Easy Read Version].


Welcome to this online survey. This survey is part of a research study titled "Disability Youth and Assistive Technologies: Online Survey Exploring Young Disabled People's Views and Experiences". 

This study is being carried out by Angharad Beckett and Miro Griffiths from the University of Leeds.

This online survey explores opportunities and challenges to accessing assistive technologies, as well as understand the importance of assistive technologies in daily life. 

Depending on your answers, it will take approximately between 10 and 30 minutes to complete. 

Some of the questions will ask you to provide text-based answers; if you are able to type in English, please do so. 



Your participation in this study is voluntary entirely and you can withdraw at any time and without explanation. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want to, and you can close the survey window at any time. 

If you want to withdraw part or all of your data after completing the study, please email Angharad and/or Miro with your unique response number (provided at the end of the survey) and outline what you would like removed. Please note: you will need to contact Angharad and/or Miro with a withdrawal request within one month after completing the survey.


Data Collection 

There are no known risks associated with this research study; however, as with any online-related activity the risk of a breach is always possible. To the best of our ability your participation in this study will remain confidential, and only anonymised data will be published. We will minimise any risks by ensuring:

All data will remain on the University of Leeds password protected cloud storage system and on the Jisc Online Surveys password protected platform. 

The research abides by the terms and conditions outlined in the University of Leeds Privacy Notice and Data Processing Agreement

All your responses will be destroyed five years after the research has concluded.

You will not be required to record any direct identifiers, such as your name or postal address. You will have the option to record an email address if you would like to be contacted about future opportunities to participate in the research.